you are you some parts we’re gonna work on for mark in the next week or so and as as you can see this is going to be something we have to repair and I think I have a way I’m going to be able to recreate this recess real nice with a piece of tubing or something I don’t know part of course is cracked there’s a piece missing he gave me two part I have to recreate a part up here from scratch have to fix this piece he’s already bonded this in the back with fiberglass just to keep it in one piece I’m looking around that that’s that part we have to remove all of decal sand the whole part at the end and these decals are underneath clear so it’s gonna mean removing a lot of paint this has to be removed this has to be removed I have to you can see the part I have to make up here I have to recreate that piece I have to recreate the there’s another piece on this I think but I’m not sure nope it’s not there that’s what that’s that one so mark has already done the reinforcement and located the bolts and that was the main thing because once those bolts are located now I can work the cosmetic side of it so this looks like it’s gonna be a relatively straightforward thing that I can share with the people on YouTube of how we do City how do we do these parts how we recreate them and how we refinish them now that any time you start it this kind of a restoration project to rebuild step one step one step one is always exactly the same clean it both sides all areas let it soak in this case because it’s earlier early in the morning I don’t have to worry that can sulk Karen is making me up a cup of coffee the simple green is the best way I know to just get rid of most of this and Bounty paper towels bounty is the type of paper towel that I like to use no special reason it just seems to do the job real well now if I let this sit five minutes it’s going to get even better but I wanted to show this now I have to decide right away there’s some sticky stuff on here it looks like somebody had I don’t know what this is I want it to see if it this is going to loosen up I’m probably gonna have to go yamaha r1 fairings
to a stronger solvent on that but rather than rush it it’s a good excuse to have my coffee now once the part is clean with the simple green and we’re only going to get a certain amount of this off but I don’t want to have any grease with grease winds up embedding itself into the finish and then you have all kind of problems with bubbles and delamination and and whatever and you definitely it definitely never sand over something greasy it just drives the grease down and now once that’s done the next step is we got our old prep oil that’s in a a candidate about a hundred years old to you anyway to prep wall will get even more degreasing sometimes it’ll take some of this beast sticker there’s residues from this sticker here but it cleans up most of all we’re we’re gonna have to recreate this little piece and that’s going to be well maybe challenging I never know until you do it and making these little the mount areas is going to be another little thing that I think is going to be pretty creative when we’re done with it but but step one as always is the part has to be clean now it has the look of I had to resort to using acetone here a lot of times acetone will take the paint off too so but you never know who painted this or how old the paint is or what type of paint is and because this is a bike that was made in Japan you never know it doesn’t have to meet up to American standards or anything of paint who knows no this is where the tricky stuff begins this is the good part or the part that has a it’s got a fastener now mark gave me a fastener here where the hell is it here it is but you can see it’s not in place it’s not in a piece so what I’m gonna have to do brodack CA and this is just to get it in place doesn’t look like exactly the same fastener but it’s very similar so that’ll set at least hold that in place put a little kicker on it give that a few seconds to dry now I can build this up a little bit and I need to make a little piece out of some of the material that I have which is really eighth inch plywood I need to make that little piece it looks like a little Halfmoon there and I’ll cut that out of plywood scrap right now all I need to do is just roughly get this shape and we’re halfway through there nothing real scientific and roughly then I have to take into account the piece that’s going to be missing in the bottom and then go over to the sawed the little band saw and sawed it out now we’ll have to obviously cut and find tunas a little bit this little piece but this material is about ten times stronger than the plastic that these things are molded from you could never make a model plane from that plastic that that the fairings are molded from but this you can it’s it’s laminated plywood it’s made for model airplanes and it makes great repairs to fairings little tabs tabs sort of side covers and in this case the pieces that are broken here and because you could never buy these parts brand new it’s impossible now or you pay a million dollars for them on eBay or Japan eBay this this allows you to do some pretty creative stuff to be able to fix it now at this piece tacked glued in and it’s still rough we got to sand it in and whatever fix see a again on the whole part and what this is going to do is just let us build up enough material and now we can dremel tool it and this by the way is aircraft grade fiberglass very tight weave not the stuff you buy in autozone that’s thick and bulky and as big air pockets so it’s a little bit stronger now once I get that on there and I’m going to build up a layer see a exactly what Mark has done here in fact I gave him that material to work with so the part of this job that he did and I hope that by seeing how how I’ve been able to do this anyway and salvaged many many of these antique parts I hope other people are going to be able to do these little repairs on their motorcycles too so this side now is hardened up now I’m going to do the same thing on this side put another another piece of this cloth I’ll trim this off put another piece of this aircraft cloth on this side this will sandwich this in it’ll definitely be stronger than the original part then we have to move in this is going to be a little more complex because the the bolt is on an angle and now we’re sandwiched in on both sides I’m not worried about the cosmetic part of it yet but we’ve got that piece recreated now this piece and I’m going to have to try to eyeball this is on an angle so I’m gonna have to do ah I’m not sure exactly I’m gonna make this into pieces or what I need to make this piece first similar to how I made this and need to tack it in place fiberglass it in place and of course just using this for a pattern so and using the the 8 inch plywood to recreate this when this is done and finished and soaked wood CA you’ll never see yamaha r6 fairings
the difference and this part right here is we’re going to be way stronger than this so this is a very just a very rough pattern I’ll oversized it of course it’s got to be mirror imaged and flipped over to be on the other side but I’ll get some idea of how close I’m gonna be able to get this because this part has already been fixed already and who knows what that material I’m gonna grind some it out away I put the biggest piece with the grain going straight up and down there we go and what I’m going to do is just tack glue that into position and once that glue dries then I have a spine from putting in that angle I’m gonna have to build it up with material and grind in that angle now with the spine installed you can see the next part of this that’s going to be a tricky to figure out I have to this piece is on an angle so what I need to do is cut a piece of material that’s bigger than this glue it on and then put that angle in and I’ll basically do that I’ll make another laminate of this make that piece it’s going to be a messy job but if I need to at the end dremel tool in this angle on this side now if you look what I did is just two laminates or wood I marked out where this piece I can do this with a dremel tool laughs relatively relatively quickly anyway you just rough just rough it in I know I’ve got to go in an eighth of an inch so when I start to see the second piece I know I’ve gone far enough now I’m gonna have to go back and forth until I get that not just right now that notch looks pretty close as I as I mirror-image your MUP it looks like we’ve got well pretty close I made a little template so the hole should be closed I want to put fiberglass cloth on both sides now using CA of course we’ll see how this is gonna work out now what I think mark is gonna have to do is take this because we don’t have the bike here this is the problem if I had the bike here I could do this here is to take take these parts mount them up and make sure this notch is doesn’t have anything funny happening again this is that aircraft fiberglass just laying it in this is to reinforce it we get off all the overage so the next thing I have to trim this off just run a piece of sandpaper on that and pretty much do the same thing over the back now you notice two things that the first part of any job is cleaning and the structure once the structure is done we don’t have enough time in this session to do the cosmetic work we’ll leave that for the next section we’re gonna do the grinding I have some ideas for recreating that this this piece looks like it’s going to be fine but what I think and the more I think this through I’m going to have mark do is once these parts are in prime take them home just roughly get the bike in and make sure all of these little nooks and crannies and new things that we’ve put in here are going to work because I don’t want to do all the cosmetic work that’s going to be in the next video will be the cosmetic work I got to get off these stickers I got to do a lot of sanding a lot of sanding so it’s going to be a long session and this was a big thing to get done today to get these parts recreated and get them that they’re mirror images and that they both have roughly the same angle we’re very close on that and well we’ll know once once mark puts the bike together if this is going to be acceptable or most of the stuff that’s that we’ve done here is going to be hidden by the upper fairing so we’re gonna say anyway it’s a very unique bike and hope you enjoyed watching a video and of course share it with your friends and thanks for watching and we’ll pick this up probably the next couple of days [Applause] 2008 zx6r fairings