honda shadow walk around and update

what’s up homies what’s crackin it’s been a while huh but almost two weeks since the last time I uploaded going three weeks I think this is my three week mark are y’all doing well I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to upload any videos I do have a bunch of videos that I have saved I have a the bike blues a barbecue before that I actually went on a ride with uh some of my brothers and I’ve been meaning to get to those videos but uh to be honest I’ve been lazy I’ve been lazy not not not lazy about uploading or making the videos but the program that I have my editing software that I have gets me lazy I was currently using PowerDirector 14 ultimate and let me tell you about that program I like it once you get to use it it’s not that hard certainly easier at least for the type of stuff I’m doing you know I don’t go all crazy on my editing I just I put it out what it is you know I mean I just I just chopped up pieces that don’t need to be in the video pieces that I if I don’t want to see it I’m sure you guys don’t want to see     yamaha r6 fairings     you know so my editing is it’s to the point you know I mean it’s not a while I was getting so lazy is because on PowerDirector I had to watch everything like the whole footage I can’t I mean if I skip stuff you know then then then I don’t know what what I said or what I you know you know what I’m saying so I would have to sit there was a if I went out you know with the boys or or I just went out recording you know digitally about an hour if maybe more I started that you know I make it I cut it down to a you know eight ten minute video so that means I would have to sit on my ass and watch the now we’re worth video like minute per minute second per second you know what I’m saying so that we’re starting to get to me because then it would literally take me about anywhere from four to five hours to edit a video I know that sounds you know insane but it is what it is I mean that’s how long it was taking me and that was with me already kind of knowing the program the software PowerDirector so so it was just man it was trying to get to me and I’m using a Dell laptop saw the homie zo y’all know him feel freaking door he edits with Final Cut Pro X yeah I believe that’s what it is final cut on his Mac so I know that he you know edits a little bit faster because because with his program you can actually go on the footage speed
it and hear the voice at the same time so actually you don’t even speed it you’re just dragging your mouse and following the footage and you can actually hear it you know I mean Sonics are much faster but in neutral but you need a Mac Apple laptop you know which I didn’t have so we got back from Bob losing bike blues and barbeque and then I have that video you know I still have it and it’s about all together it’s about three days worth of videos so it’s about vlogging I don’t know six hours maybe later something I’m just kind of guessing it of a footage saved so if you think about it if I go on my program I would have to watch all that footage so if a network if an hour that I edited my regular videos it takes me about four I grab a Mac I happen to grab find out the or Final Cut so now I’m able to edit much faster I haven’t got to it and that’s why I’m making this video because I’m a edit this video and and and learn of this video that way that way my bike blues and barbeque video comes out better you know comes up a little bit smoother better edit because it is a longer video so I don’t wanna I don’t want to screw it up if you in a sense that you know what I’m saying so yeah that’sthat’s what’s been going on with me you know it’s pretty much been been just a software not an issue laziness I also shout out to Jay man he hooked me up with this with this quarter fairing this HD quarter fairing huge thank you bro if y’all don’t know who is he’s actually gone on a bunch of Theo’s videos he’s on with the hardly doing this the stand ups stand up Willie’s that’s him man he’s shoutout thank you bro appreciate it I I’m diggin the look I like how it looks from back here at man you know it actually does a great job blocking the wind I don’t think so because it’s so small but but believe me I’m telling you ninja 250r fairings    it makes a difference having no fairing to having this little fairy oh man it makes a difference I’ll pull over and I’ll show you guys how it looks by the way to all the new people that are in my channel thank you thank you to all to all the new subscribers man appreciate it appreciate all the love you guys are showing you know you guys you guys have been rolling or active with me I’m diggin that I don’t you know you know it makes me feel good knowing that you guys watch my watch my videos in and you guys are liking it you know you guys are requesting more it’s a big things big things because I never would have thought that I know I don’t got much subscribers but I 5-10 subscribers that actually talked to me and want to see my and have any a hundred thousand subscribers and no one even knows you or no one even watches your videos or they just subscribed because because you’re a big popular motor vlogger you told me so I rather like I said I’d rather have a couple subscribers that are actually enjoying what I’m what I’m throwing out there you know and bunch of people that don’t even don’t even care to watch my stuff you know I don’t know that makes sense but that’s that’s my that’s my thought on my channel you know so for you that are here thank you I appreciate it and I will strive to make the best videos I can and just know that I am trying and everything that I do is for you guys yeah also by the way I said that if you guys wanted a shout out or if people spotted me I’ll give you guys a shout out salt here’s a shout out shadows fans I hope I’m saying it right shadow spaz what up homie thank you for the comments thank you for the love I remember you pumping some em in them man I feel like all his new shits been better you know how many of you er you know how many of you saw that whole M&M education going on man that was all over my feet so I was trying to get bored of that I thought it meant Emma’s gonna out or not and I throw this out there but he came out you know my opinion to be honest I’m sorry Slim Shady yo was cooling one night but I feel like energy can’t got that that was lit dude that that MGK him and then this whoo boy I feel like he I feel like he won that battle thing who do you think won that rap battle or that hold this going on for for a place where I could give you guys a little walk walk around about my bike around my bike show you guys my my second my pride and joy my most precious possession besides my wife and kids he has been asking me what I ride well my bike looks like let’s go over here oh yeah fellas this is the Beast little right here I haven’t done any any major modifications to it this is the newest and latest and he wasn’t greatest HD quarter fairing I did put these these bars these Z bars I got my little little bumblebee both my kids love transformers and the favorite character is bumblebee so that stays with me to remind me I got I got people that love me and that want me back home so every time I see this reminds me slow the down I put these what are these Cobra slip-ons it did have some other that I did not like and when I bought the bike these actually came with them or not you know they came with them separate so I just throw these on the sea I actually changed I put this see this is off in all seven shadow by the way my bike is a 2001 Honda Shadow Spirit 1100 yep and so this one came off in old seven shadow saber I think it’s what it was and it did not fit so I had to modify some on there and you know I like that I like the shadow ish look better than the one I the other one I had looked like a big old and what’s comfortable I’m not gonna lie it was comfortable but did not like to look I did this looks all crappy but I still need a weld and tab a good bracket you know I mean this is what I did the you know this is bolt here and this is where you know I mean so it wasn’t long enough so I just put a little extension on there put some tape so then my pain which it’s already up and this is this is where we could it’s all up so the original or the fender forgot cut it came out to like out here and kind of went up so I hated that look so meeting a boy Theo he helped me cut this and we chopped it so you know I mean just I feel like
it looks tough it looks me now the next email next thing I’m actually doing is I’m getting rid of these floorboards because I scraped like a and that’s not good they go up but for some reason I guess maybe my left turns aren’t as sharp as when I’m turning right because when I’m turning right they they scrape that and I’m over leaning which you know I know what I’m doing but I want to lean more because I know my bike can lean more but with these floorboards I can’t so so yeah it’s my baby her name is destiny a lot of people ask me why I keep this leather piece I don’t know why I do I don’t like motorcycle fairings    it but I don’t hate it what do y’all think I think it’s something that comes out in the video you all like this should I keep it or should I remove it let me know in the comments leave or keep yeah let me know if I should keep it Oh photo if y’all don’t wanna see it there or if you guys think it’d look better without it I’ll take it off because it’s like I said it don’t bother me so yeah homies like I said earlier I’m sorry that I haven’t been uploading as much as I’ve been wanting to I explained why be on the lookout because now I have all the gear I got all the software I got all the shenanigans that I need to upload and to make some fun videos so so yeah just be on the lookout for my next videos up if you guys haven’t yet go and subscribe so you guys know what I do upload so I can tap on a little bell icon that’s it will pretty much let you know whenever I do upload and if you guys enjoyed this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up they tool for more peace out homies